OGS Pre-SPUs (before July 1987)
Help us add to this incomplete list of alumni who left OGS prior to July 1987-
Led by Tom Beyer (starting in 1981) and Roscoe Egger (1973-1981)
OGS SPUs (1987 - June 1994)
Projects and people were grouped into Special Practice Units (SPUs)-
SPU #132 - Led by Paul Lohneis
SPU #306 - Led by Don Epelbaum
SPU #569 - Led by Ben Warder
SPU #383 - Led by Juan Carlos Acebal
SPU #503 - Led by Norm Hollander
SPU #479 - Led by Fred Laughlin
OGS Domains (July 1994 - June 1996)
Created when OGS reorganized from SPUs into a matrixed organization-
Led by Kevin Bacon
Led by Jim Waddell
Led by Paul Lohneis
Led by Don Epelbaum
Led by Glenn Galfond
Led by John Korbel
Led by Woody Brittain
Gateway Group Domains (July 1996 to June 1998)
New names to better align with MCS and PW overall-
Led by Sharon Fitzsimmons
Led by Kevin Bacon
Led by Jim Waddell
Led by Don Caputo
Led by Glenn Galfond
Led by John Korbel